Monthly Archives: May, 2014

Men Reveal: Sexy Is An Important Motivation for Dating Older Women

dating older womenThe “older women-younger men love” are not fresh in the entertainment circles in Europe and America, such as 45-year-old Demi Moore, a famous actress, married 35-year-old actor Ashton Kutcher. 61-year-old Susan Sarandon hand Tim Robbins who is 49 years old. Maybe Joan Collins, a British veteran actress, gave us the famous example. The mature lady married a series of “little husband”, one younger, another more. Her latest husband, Percy Gibson, 32 years old younger than her.

In recent years, the wind of “older women-younger men love” begin to spread to ordinary people. The survey from a famous dating site for young guys and older women shows: 75.4% of women would consider accepting male spouses younger than themselves, 72.5% of men are more willing to build a relationship with older women.

Experts believe that the “older women-younger men love” is the reaction of “Oedipus complex” hidden in the depths of the man’s heart. It is also the result of decades of women’s liberation movement. It is a silhouette of social progress, but also the transmission of modern psychological problems.

Daniel Dench, 28 years old, is a blonde handsome man, look lik Daniel Gregg a actor of new version of 007 movie. Like Gregg, Dench specializes in dealing with a woman, knows how to ask for the phone number when a woman is hesitant.

In dating, Dench has extraordinary wisdom, in addition to, he has the age requirement for another partner. has not only beyond the age of wisdom on dating tips for Dating also “beyond the age” requirements. He frequently visite a famous older women dating site, this site dedicated to matchmaking mature ladies and younger guys. Here he met 42-year-old Gillian, 38-year-old La Jifen, 36-year-old Claudia Spahr ……

Dench love to make friends with older women, because he likes the mature style of older women. In his eyes, twenties and thirties women like to booze, like to brag about their ability to make money. “Their behavior is not feminine,” Dench says, “And the first question they often asked in dating: “Do you want a home?”, I think it is really not a good start.”

In recent days, He is dating a sugar momma, a TV producer who is 10 years older than him and has two children, “we do not live, and never thought we can be together for a long time. I think the age difference is not a problem and I can get along very well with her childre.” Dench said.

Dench’s friend, 32-year-old Nathan Sedgwick, is also a user on Like Dench, he likes the mature charm of older women and are interested in hot mature ladys dating.Since graduated from university, he would never date a girl with the same age.

“Girls who has the same age with me want to get married and have children, but I’m not ready, “Sedgwick said,” I do not like dating younger women, we found nothing to talk about soon. “He found older women who can attracted to him. because “I do not want to be bound, they also do not want to, and their confidence is the sexiest thing in the world.”

Their relatives expressed the understanding and support for the two guys. For serious love and relationship, they will take home to meet the parents. “My parents are very open-minded,” Dench says, “If you can make friends with older people, why can not build a relationship with older girlfriends?”





5 Reasons Why Men Are Keen to Date Mature Women

dating mature womenIn recent years, dating older women has become a popular trend. As a 35-year-old woman, I have never become so attracted to younger men from the 25-year-old man to 35-year-old man, that is to say, i am more popular and welcome to men. So if you are still looking for a younger woman who is 21 years old, 22 years old, until 29-year-old, what i want to tell you is that you’re pass with the big trend of the times. Why are men so keen to date mature ladies?

Mature Women Has Her Own Life

I mean, mature woman has her own money, apartment, career, circle of friends. A 30-year-old man from Brooklyn, told me it is, in fact, these factors that stimulate his desire of dating mature women. Moreover, mature woman master financial power, that they are willing to get the money through their own efforts. But keep in mind always: men should still take the initiative to pay the bill after a exquisite meal when dating a mature lady. Because older women want to take a look at your gentleman style.

Mature Women Can Take Care of Themselves Alone

This is not her first love. So when you take her to attend a wedding or party with your friends or colleagues, you do not have to worry about how she’s embarrassed or do not know what to do without your concern. When you talk to others, she is able to take care of herself. And unlike the 23-year-old girl deliberately drunk, vomiting into your ex-girlfriend, a mature woman can grasp the sense of proportion.

Mature Women are Clear About What They Want and What They Don’t Want

When it comes to older women dating, they are not afraid to speak their thoughts. In the bedroom for sex? Continue to try to bring her pleasure by punching? Bound? Bi? Triangle-love? Role-playing? If she has not tried before, she is likely willing to try. Further, this also applies to live outside the bedroom. Your head may have appeared in such thoughts”all the old women are desperate”. Admittedly, some indeed, but we do not rule out that some younger women will give you the same feeling. Most of the mature women do not like that, and now they hold the right to choose, they are no longer think that if 27 years is not engaged, 28 -year-old is not married, not pregnant before age 30, then life will fall into a sad reminder of the situation. This does not mean they do not want to get married, do not want to have children. She might have married once and even had a child, so she will not be so capricious as a young girl. I know most women over 35 years old just want to meet a good man only.

Mature Women are Independent-Minded

I have been together with a younger man from Queens before, and he just date older women. because he can not stand the thing that younger woman can do not decide by themselves. He said, “When you are dating younger girls, you will find that you are dating all of her friends, this is really an annoying thing.” You can not ask her out, you can not do what you want to do, because a large staff team around her give her ideas. A slightly mature woman have their own friends, but they will not let their friends interfere in their dating life.

Mature Women Can Make You Become A More Excellent Man

I can take a male friend for expample. He has been 40 years old, but he has married a older wife who already had married once and had a child before. The love in their relationship is first, his older wife made big efforts to make him such a good man. Perhaps at the first time, every man just want a beautiful girl who has the same age and then take care of them, but who would not want to be taken care of? Especially those who make themselves better and more successful mature women.

Of course, the reasons of younger men dating older women mentioned in the article above are just one part of all reasons, we believe that maybe you have some special idea, for example, mature women have a wealth of sexual experience. If so, please sharing with us.






Younger Men: Why Do We Love Dating Older Women

younger men dating older womenWhy do men love to date older women for a warm relationship? You see, compared to younger women, the older women are not only more mature but also economically independent, what is more, they are empathetic good lover, they do not put your mind to stir a mess. This is just a part of the positive significance at the interaction with the older female.

We always see the scene on older men and younger women dating, and this for granted. Men looking for women younger than themselves seems to have become a criterion for choosing a mate. But today, I’m afraid we have to accept another reality that a woman looking for a man much younger than themselves.

This reversal of mate selection criteria is not without benefits. Now so many men recognize the benefits of dating older mature women. Under normal circumstances, we always complain about younger women “not sensible, high maintenance.” So, why not change your own subjective criteria, try the feel of experimenting with dating older women? An older woman knows how to appreciate a man; she is a giver, not a taker. Of course, the so-called “older” does not mean you are 25 years old and she is 50
years old or even 65 years old. The standard may not be more than 10 or 12 years old.

Man in his twenty five or twenty six dating an older woman in her thirty five or six, or even forty years old, life is bound therefore become enriched. Most women in their twenties are energetic, ambitious, granted that they should be the center of your world. Now, you are facing an older woman – she has, after all, experienced more things and can understand some truth of the “Riches”. At least, she is unlikely to force you to go to a dance with her in tens of miles away, to spend two hundred dollars to buy a ticket just for drinking a glass of pink with the special “sugar.” This is undoubtedly a good thing. Of course, only barbed roses are real roses. This means that, you also must be ready to make some concessions even dating with the older woman. However, in most cases, this interaction is definitely advantages than disadvantages. Let us look at what are the advantages.

Older Women are Seasoned

Older women may not be as vibrant as younger women. However, mature experience in their age will make you envy much and get so much benefit. They will not open the way personally and through the clutter (they always have a way to get you to do). They are very aware of what they want and know how to satisfy their desire to guide you from physical and ideological. Because men always afraid to spend time and effort pondering what women really want. Older women understand that valuable time should not be spent in waiting for you to put on shining armor, then romanticly knocked her to the ground. She is willing to “pre-emptive” – she would clearly indicate her desire for you, and even tell you specifically what should be done.

Older Women are Independent

Older women are more stable in their careers, the burden of relying on a man or providing family life expense is relatively small in the future. They have independent economic conditions. This undoubtedly lifted a big burden on men. Man do not have to worry about that, at least, the woman keeping their side is a small gold digger, with the unique purpose of whom is to cheat him out of to play and spend money.

But to remind you one: this argument does not apply to every older woman. You know, those little gold digger will eventually become old gold digger. So, you should be vigilant. In her age, she should have the ability to pay for various goods (for example, furniture, clothes, cell phones, etc.).

Older Women are Mature

Older women understand to appreciate more real things in life. They do not play those mind games with you, do not believe that the “substance of the first” philosophy vigorously pursued by media. You can do a deep conversation with her, without having to worry about the topic of conversation, she complained to you from the left side with two hot curly hair is not good, or pink lipstick and purple miniskirt not match. You also do not have to worry about thinking in send her home for her father rebuked before 22:00.

Although these are not the only reasons for younger men loving to date older women, they are the major that are the most noticeable when older women become attracted to younger men.