Monthly Archives: October, 2014

How to start a conversation with a sugar momma online

“I’ve just been looking at profiles and sending messages that make some comment and try to find some common ground. Sometimes I get responses and sometimes I don’t. What’s the best way to start a conversation with a sugar momma?” A younger guy with usename “sexman27” sent this message to a reliable sugar momma website( dating and relationship expert a few days ago and hope to have some useful tips to point him in the right direction.

In fact, younger men looking for sugar mommas dating online has become a hot trend. According to a recent Google keyword search report, the search volume of keywords related sugar momma dating is as below:

sugar momma: 12100/month (Only in the United States)

sugar mama: 6600/month (Only in the United States)

sugar momma dating: 2400/month (Only in the United States)

sugar mama dating: 1900/month (Only in the United States)

sugar momma website: 1600/month (Only in the United States)

sugar mommy: 1600/month (Only in the United States)

From the above figures, we can find that thousands of younger guys looking for sugar mama online dating every month in American. But in fact, sugar momma can be very difficult to spark a conversation with…That is why sexman27 sometimes get responses and sometimes he doesn’t.

Starting a online conversation with gorgeous sugar momma is probably one of the hardest parts of communication. But don’t worry, dating expert gives 10 key tips which can guide you in sugar momma dating online world.

1.Be honest. If you want to break the ice successfully and have any chance of building a serious and long term relationship with sugar momma you need to be honest from the start. You want to be transparent and develop a sense of trust and openness early on. Don’t lie about your education, age, height or anything else that sugar momma you’re chatting with may ask you. If you’re poor, don’t claim yourself rich, if you’re not good looking, don’t say yourself good looking.

2.Avoid talking sex in the begining. Never ever bring up sex in your opening exchanges. If you say like “hey baby, I am so strong and want a sex with you” in the beginning. Generally speaking, you don’t get any responses. So please respect and treat your potential sugar momma seriously.

3.Make her feel like you care. Make your sugar momma feel like her thoughts are important. If she begins to talk about a subject, ask more questions about it instead of talking about something that you really want to talk about. If she tells her real name, repeat it one or twice after you learn it.

4.Show a sense of humor and funny. it will make the whole exchange much more relaxed and easygoing. You may throw in some jokes and tell them a funny story to break the ice. You’ll be surprised at how sharing funny stories will get others to open up. Everyone likes to laugh and laughing makes others feel comfortable. This is a nice way to get good responses. Of course, Don’t tell a long story you haven’t tried out before.

5.Don’t call your sugar momma Baby, Darlin, Sweetie, anything like that in the first conversation, because you are not familiar.

6.If you like her photos, make sure that the comment makes sense, isn’t a compliment on a body part (smile is ok–your boobs are big, nice, is not)

7.Sugar momma don’t like it when you guys just write “hey want to chat” or “hi, how’s your day”…Why doesn’t that work? Because she has probably seen it about 10 times already that day!

8.Don’t ask sugar momma something that could lead to an uncomfortable response. For example, money, age, etc. Let her talk about her significant other, career, or other.

9.Think about what you call yourself online (username) and make sure that it doesn’t offend your sugar momma (The usename “sexman27” is actually not good).

10.Pick out something special in her profile and start with like this. “I see in your profile that you like The Dead Milkmen. I saw them in concert in 1988 and it was a blast! I have to say ‘Stewart’ is their best song, but ‘Punk Rock Girl’ is a close second. What’s your favorite?” it can show that you are really like her.